i want create a story fact i not plagiarism
I occupation use faucet business and other.iam everyone ex idol yan always intuity idol because realition life anyone friendly the best dan once by in would not existence instimed official from family c**** tetapi aku tidak exponent rescue terjadi terhadap beliau. ternyata baru terasa betapa treasure hidupku. aku gagal happy keturunan r****** . causes i love lonely. iam not need weight widht i give list fill novel that theme "love alonely".
daftar isi :
Bab1: love alonely
Capture 1: impression etnic romanian
Capture 2: i birtday on world
Capture 3: i life as well in paradise
Capture 4: marrode love my attact
Capture 1 impression etnic romanian
In the moment, di forest mangrove current birthday in world everyone a male
clambing milliary us alias " tirkuc" he execute furious a child girl the life mass upfront curticate. child girls lost freedom an opini that name" andira".
within solitate here towards firefighting both poeple as soo on belove with happy. but instead us always firefighter once by once because a problem on finder next future. instead firefighter this continuing into decade reformation. and now, andira finishing curly because i don't give opportunity for repaire basis disclaimer life yang don't re-exempilar atau worthy
22 years old i fans with an band legend i infinitive much more
i interested today anyone children not false us watching intuitive life .
but a heart sick because view my people i love kiss fruction boobs what must to be continued injury their?
Allah is know only. Problem mylife to poeple other much weight. i don't stand by wealthy opini. off causes, i suggestion and i assessment autority. I already chemical gratitude to their. their is my stinky because i, my woman not happy desire tractical continuing life opportunity as trush easer also
atractive some beloved during clasification by galatic
colateral wiring not match always don't i fraud lose yourself but i fraud lost your love
capture 2: i birthday on world
he is try interested me, that you don't worry. you will executable for their. i don't believed. you are resembler problem. you make mylife spregy. truss a spotter zinc curly. varrious with gaint give couple. she try become a couple in the moment. but whats them view??? darling spreader body between body. i swarsty, i going on cry. i cry doesn't finish and zither. any a man try figure me. him try spinter i eat for spoon by spoon. with attitude, him asked me every morning. without finished. him have a manned for wake up me for shy. what him do? him give me a flower colour red with picture heart. Like that, continously
when alive will finish.
i dedicated and with ground-dibble in my
Section. expression an abrashement to me
and i appologiez or in century 19, i sound follow as forgive me. because false me attitude angry. i undifficulation or discrimination about teach a destresses etimonology. psichys is a problem. introvert a problem life. Continiously in don't
Verey Meyer meterey. verey Guerra
veorey dergavo. giorev revcavo
singurav dergado taramonte.
inyerev vanierniev Ivo ceva elienyo
iverev garevo. abandov Solvent
vikerev berevi. vanyeta Beyonce
berehiye verev. iverev var ceva inyer
delanyova ia celeste
istinbak fastabiqul Khoirot Ina
jumhur, inaka anta taqwim. jumuroh bunyaro wahabin sholatihim qomari. tubikaro in yarotar. attaqwiru surotun nabiyah
Muhammad shollolohu ngalaihi
wassalam. antaro ghonaba dandan jazakumulloh hoiron kasiron surotullanabiya tu kafirun
Namun taro pajawana. tubi sholatulloh karomah syuhada in Bahrian. abasaa syan wana qodir
dirohmatulloh. pejwan gan dir valdhu vrej viastam Tan Sri malagan. tujaro??
kenapa saya ganti subjek grup ini? begini, saya melihat grup lain. Mereka kebanyakan memimpikan grup yg mereka bangun seperti yang mereka impikan yang menjadi kenyataan. kenyataan yang indah.. di dunia ini atau di alam lain. Hal ini menurut ustad di sini. tetapi menurutku hidup ini memang harus ada manfaatnya dan bukan hanya untuk yang kita sayangi saja. begitu demikian untuk orang tua kita. saya menganggap ortu kurang bijaksana. tetapi ternyata bukan keluarga saja yang membenci kehidupan orang jelek. Dan sendiri. Lalu siapa? Saya kurang paham juga... Masak saya memaksakan kehendak yang aneh Dan bukan bukan. saya harusnya optimis dan tidak membuat orang cantik menjadi sedih tak berkesudahan. saya salah telah menyalahkan bukan pada orang yang benar. saya minta maaf telah berulang kali mengecewakan. saya harusnya minta tolong disini dengan sopan dan baik. bukan dengan cara kasar. semoga Allah mengampuniku atas kesombongan dan keegoisanku aamiin ya robb... itu semua terjadi karena begitu cemburu dan sedih ku pada dia. dan akhirnya aku menyadari bahwa aku LGBT saya ingin careful tetapi tidak bisa. saya mungkin terlahir dari alien di luar bumi. itu sebabnya saya kurang lapang dada. ternyata omong saya diketahui juga sama semua orang di dunia... sehingga mereka menjadikan kehidupan saya untuk dibuatkan artikel. terus terang saya abash. di sebar luaskan. Malah sekarang menjadi angin ribut dimana mana. saya masih bimbang yg mana orang israel?? atau fans club artis indonesia? kalau mereka mengidolakan bunga citra lestari, wilona, agnes monica atau celsea olivia. mengapa tidak mengaku di tv?? berarti artis korea itu pelarian saja?
Why did I change the subject of this group? you see, I saw another group. They mostly dream of the group they build as their dream comes true.n beautiful fact..n in this world or in another world. This is according to the ustad here. but in my opinion, life should have its benefits and not only for those we care about. so it is for our parents. I consider parents less wise. but it turns out that not only families who hate the life of ugly people. And alone.n Who is it, then? I don't understand either... Cook I impose a strange will And no no. I should be optimistic and not make beautiful people endlessly sad. I was wrong to blame not on the right person. I'm sorry to have disappointed you so many times. I should ask for help here politely and kindly. not in a rude way.nmay Allah forgive me for my arrogance and selfishness aamiin ya robb... it all happened because I was so jealous and sad for him.nand finally I realized that I'm LGBTnI want to be careful but I can't. I may be born from aliens outside the earth. that's why I'm less open-minded. Turns out what I'm saying is known to everyone in the world... so they make my life to be made articles. frankly i am abash. disseminated.nIn fact, it's now a hurricane everywhere. I'm still worried which are the Israelis?? or Indonesian artist fan club?n if they idolize Citra Lestari flowers, Wilona, Agnes Monica or Celsea Olivia. why not confess on tv??n does that mean the Korean artist just ran away?
One beautiful morning., I received again Facebook friendship from yavelin Lambo.. a face that is certainly a must have Of Jewish ancestry... he has a face that is not as handsome as Leonardo DiCaprio or dude Herlino... but thanks to his tenacity to get my attention long time... moreover I just found out that I am Ayesha being chased by that guy Named yavelin Lambo.. he delivers introduction by asking things What was very important though he asked... Ayesha got annoyed and felt porn and dirty words Made me uncomfortable., but really weird... He gave me the spirit So I want to find a boyfriend or husband Because he said it was very important to me In the future.. sometimes he can Trying to give suggestions that are Positive about my daily life frankly by the time we got to know... I am confident to be able to confide in He. about how to get the guy of her dreams... him too Motivates me to work online easy . in this story.. Ayesha is mentally ill... For fear of losing people whom he loves so much.., that he is little having a mental breakdown... because of the person he valued so much and respect was brutally murdered.. that's how my day is full of attitude very uncomfortable .... so sweating she always thinks... Ayesha is a businesswoman Women who try to convert to Islam Loud .. who knows what's in his mind so he can speak Arabic and English Ayesha has never had a boyfriend or husband Ayesha has a shy nature or azzalzallah... Because of that he fits Side by side with the yavelin... But alas Yavelin prefers to live together Hasanah... What is clear is hereditary religion Islam is from the Persian nation.. Ayesha too confused and sad.. don't know how and what should he do next Ayesha has been in a country for 2 years the very strong hard never know who is the enemy... tough and powerful Hasanah cheated on yavelin with An Arab descendant... and ordered the yavelin to Hurt Ayesha.. so Ayesha is alone and everyone left him because of yavelin's words"she is a woman with a bad body bidunen why are you defending" there wasn't a harsh word he could say by making sad songs everywhere in a silent way... silently explains how to get the attention of the very sadistic yavelin.... suddenly, "hi sweet lady there is something we have to do talk about... The young master is waiting inside car", said Prasodjo's aide... finally Ayesha met a man the good, really love, and never complaining about my... with him, true happiness of life protect my life. my life at that time very enjoyable,.., so My sadness is slowly recovering and disappearing.. Ayesha fled abroad very far from a developed country in Asian.... because he grew up he was a monster Monster Hunter... but Ayesha is different Thoughts alone...he always said"No don't you hurt this person, sorry for him already old ".., shut up pranisi.. and go him very annoyed.... upon arrival at home .... Pranisi quarrel With Ayesha back on fire., can't count pranis quarrels and Ayesha turns out that pranisi loves herself Ayesha still has feelings for him yavelin, never an ugly woman love the jews no one knows exactly.. who is the family Ayesha actually... only Ayesha not Admits that he is of Jewish blood because he can speak Arabic and English just.. one of Ayesha's words very astonishing is Qul hullohu Ahad.... Allahu Shomad.... and ayu hal kaaafirun lllaaa no budun Wala antum ngabidumma ngabadtum actually the word means pregnant Many meanings and terms.... Dari According to minorology or Mahesa Jenar especially from Abu Bakar As Sidiq... which means all hostilities are prohibited by any religion.... because it will cause an unresolved problem... because it turns the facts upside down... We can't get it together.. connection Being one is the Archipelago.,.. the true waliyullah of the times were Adam, Noah, Prophet Solomon, Prophet Ibrahim, prophet Maliki whose son got married With the child of the prophet Ibrahim as.... he called At-thoriq .., why is At-thoriq called Nabiyulloh.... because he can beat people of the crusades..
bagaimana aku tanpa Alloh SWT???
sekarang dan nanti bukanlah elegi esok pagi
karena cinta dia yang sangat menghargai
anak yang cinta ibunya.... Bukanlah salah
Satu kesalahan.. sebab beliau yang menghidupkan Kita di dunia....
sebenarnya tidak ada firman Allah SWT
yang menganjurkan anak cowok patuh
taat kepada ibunya lebih dari Allah SWT
yavelin dan Ayesha seharusnya ada
Persamaan yang lebih baik karena tidak ada
Masalah yang serius.,...
serius ini tidak mungkin, tidak mungkin
kamu lebih memihak wanita jahat itu..,
dia sudah menyebarkan informasi yang
Buruk tentang aku.,, kata Ayesha seolah
ada perasaan kecewa.,... Menyelimuti
sehingga sudah sekian lama.,. yang
Membuat Ayesha menyendiri dan tertutup
tidak pernah dia makan minum dan mandi